Defending the Right to Life in MI's Constitution
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has recently filed a case in Oakland County Circuit Court against 13 Prosecuting attorneys asking the court to: 1- enjoin (stop) the prosecutors from prosecuting crimes under MCL 750.14 (MI's criminal abortion statute), and 2- declare that the MI Constitution protects a woman's "right" to an abortion.  Katherine Henry plans to file an amicus brief in this case.  Her main arguments are discussed in the Week 15 Episode of Restore Freedom Weekly (found at and the Constitution Segment Recap for Week 15, found on her Rumble channel.  If you want to support Katherine's effort to defend the Right to Life as protected by the Michigan Constitution by adding your name to this brief, please add your information below.
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The Michigan Constitution protects an unborn child's right to life, and NOT a woman's "right" to an abortion.  I ask the court to recognize this right to life, as put forth in the brief filed by Constitutional Attorney Katherine Henry (Restore Freedom). *
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I want this support to continue on all future court documents Katherine Henry will file related to this case (including any stages at the trial court level or the appellate court level). *
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